Business English Demon 100 Rules

The 6th installment of the “English demon” series following “English grammar demon 100 rules” has just been released. The first installment was written by Hideya Tokiyoshi and was named 100 Rules of English Grammar and published on November 14, 2019.

This new book – 100 Rules of Business English – will help you become a businessperson who is not only fluent in English but also competent and valued. 

The word demon in this case refers to the nuances of the English language and how to overcome them.

The book has an emphasis on “writing English” and “explaining English” rather than “fluent English conversation” for Japanese executives based on the transformation of global business. 

Within the book there are comprehensive chapters on presentations, contracts, and accounting which cover the core business activities with plenty of ready to use examples.

Uses Of the Book

There are two possible uses for this book: For those who want to learn quickly and those who want to learn thoroughly. 

The first use is for when you are in an urgent situation, such as “I have my first telephone call with an overseas business partner next week” or “I was instructed by my boss to draft an e-mail to the overseas office,”. The idea is to quickly read the relevant chapter and learn only the phrases you need but if you want to learn thoroughly you can use the weekend to carefully read the entire chapter. 

It is recommended to read the book in a place where you can concentrate, such as a cafe or library. 

As this book has a relatively large physical weight, it would be convenient to copy the pages you want to study outside of your home or office using your mobile device and emailing them to your laptop to avoid carrying the book around in your bag. 

It will take a bit of time to understand the English business rules and decide what to use in each circumstance. So, we propose that it is best to take your time and study the book when it is convenient to you (for example, you can read it little by little before going to bed) as we think that you may lose sight of the significance when you study carefully for a significant amount of time. 

Being able to save phrases in your mind, understand what is important in the global business scene, and be able to second guess the other person’s feelings from verbal clues will help you improve your English ability scores and be able to speak in an entertaining manner to overseas clients. 

Chapter 1: Self-Introduction to Win Trust and Know When to Say Nice to Meet You

When speaking in English it is recommended to use small talk for a smooth self-introduction and to introduce other people. Some examples are:

  • Small talk 1: Exploring common topics and avoiding taboos by responding in a way that makes the other person want to talk more
  • Small talk 2: Undertaking light conversation while on the move 
  • Small Talk 3: Expressing your opinions over dinner 

You may need to use small talk to break the ice in the following situations: 

  • Starting a conversation when online 
  • How to make and receive phone calls 
  • Chatting and moving on at a business party 
  • Following up after meeting new people 

Chapter 2: Writing That Provokes a Reaction

The subject line of an e-mail is vital in getting the recipient to open the e-mail while knowing which greeting and salutations to use within the content of the correspondence is key in expressing your gratitude – this will vary according to your relationship with the other party.

The structure of each message will depend on the nature of the correspondence ranging from a request for future conversation, exchanging messages on SNS with people outside the company to an apology email.

The book provides eye-catching marketing copy for: 

  1. Websites
  2. SNS such as LinkedIn
  3. Cold Email   

Chapter 3: Heartfelt and Memorable Presentations

It is important not to be shy about introducing yourself and getting attention at the beginning of the conversation. Discuss points with facts, create flow with filler / transition words and emphasize important content. 

Chapter 4: Convincing Price/Condition Negotiations

In preparation for negotiations, set your goals and organize information about the other party and start by building relationships through small talk.

Confirm the purpose of the meeting and the conditions that have already been agreed. It is important to ask the other party to speak first on the part that requires negotiation. 

Provide data, facts, and reasons to support your stance. It is important to communicate the extent of concessions that you have made, and the difficulty involved.

If it clear that a decision cannot be decided on the spot conclude the meeting with a summary of decisions made during the meeting and the next steps.

Types of negotiations include:

  • Negotiation to expedite the delivery date negotiating to increase the budget 
  • Negotiations for employee retention 
  • Negotiation to receive not only a success fee but also a fixed fee   

If you don’t have confidence in your English ability and you’re worried about understanding the other party’s points or communicating your thoughts accurately then this book will help you immensely.

Chapter 5: Confirmation of The Contract

Subjects that are covered in the book regarding the contract include:

  • Checking the background of the contract in the headline and preamble
  • Defining terms to prevent differences in interpretation 
  • Explicitly stating the nature of the transaction in the terms of the sale agreement 
  • Clarifying what is included in the contract amount and what is paid 
  • Specifying the delivery of goods and transfer of risk 
  • Indicating any product inspection 
  • Stating the liability of both seller and buyer 
  • Deciding in advance about the cancellation of the contract 
  • Including general terms  

Chapter 6: Essential Accounting English for Businesspeople

The book will help you to:

  • To talk about company performance and accounts
  • Know your profit margins
  • Explain why your company’s sales have increased or decreased 
  • Explain changes in costs and expenses and the reasons for them 
  • Talk about asset breakdowns and changes 
  • Explain the status of debt and capital raising 
  • Talk about cash in and out based on cash flows 
  • Using financial indicators to talk about year-to-year comparisons with other companies 
  • Talk about what you have gained by comparing and analyzing profits with other companies 
  • Explain company taxes 
  • Talk about internal controls 
  • Discuss financial accounting from the perspective of shareholders 
  • Know your marginal profit and break-even points 
  • Using outsourcing or in-house accounting
  • Considering the recoverability of your investment 
  • Activity Based Costing (ABC) 

Chapter 7: How to Praise and Caution Subordinates to Motivate Them

The book will help you how to manage you staff in the following ways:

  • Knowing the taboos of scolding in the English-speaking world 
  • Set up a meeting and taking notes 
  • Discuss why the problem occurred and how to deal with it 
  • How to impart good and bad praise 
  • Giving positive feedback in evaluation meetings 
  • Giving constructive feedback in evaluation meetings 
  • Informing about promotion 

Chapter 8: Smooth Teamwork Project Start Meeting

Each new project will have a kick-off meeting. This book will explain what is to be included in the meeting:

  • Description of the background of the project 
  • Goal setting and division of roles 
  • Instructions for facilitating online meetings 
  • Progress checking by managers and individual reporting 
  • One-on-one meeting on personal matters instructions 
  • Dealing with Business Issues 
  • Handling project delays 
  • How to celebrate a successful project 

Chapter 9: Career Advancement and Social Media

If you need to recruit additional staff for your new venture or if you are looking to move onto a new opportunity, the book will help you to:

  • Reach out to headhunters and recruitment agencies 
  • Talk to the headhunter to take a career inventory 
  • See a job ad and start the process
  • Take references 
  • Self-promotion in an interview including practicing common questions 
  • Self-PR in an Interview
  • Indicate questions for managers that shows positivity 
  • Negotiation of terms with the company 
  • Register your profile on social media 
  • Always inform your friends about your desire to change jobs 

Chapter 10: How to Draw Up a Business Plan

The book will show you how to present your business plan effectively. 


The book includes useful expressions, ways of thinking, and knowledge like a cheat sheet for businesspeople who are competing against the world. Being able to “speak” witty English phrases is the bare minimum needed to succeed in the international business world. 

Beyond negotiations, winning contracts, organizing teams, knowledge of accounting, etc., we will train “skilled” business persons who can produce results on the world stage!